That Big CEO Energy

Rediscovering the Heart of Joyful Leadership

Kallai Plummer Season 2 Episode 63

“Joy is not some destination that you arrive to.It's a daily practice, and it's a choice that we get to make to embrace life with enthusiasm, to embrace it with gratitude and to embrace it with kindness.” - Kallai Plummer

I'll never forget the moment I realized that the thrill of entrepreneurship had started to wear thin, leaving me chasing a high that felt as elusive as the end of the rainbow. That's when the true quest for joy in leadership began for me, a journey that's been as much about personal growth as it has been about guiding my team. 

In this episode you’ll learn: 

  • What it means to be a leader who cultivates joy, not just in moments of triumph, but through the trials and tribulations that invariably come with running a business. 
  • How I faced down technical glitches and a nagging sense of impostor syndrome during a product launch, offering insights into the resilience and self-care strategies that kept me afloat—and more importantly, joyful.

We often talk about joy as if it's a light switch, but I've come to see it as a garden that needs daily tending. This episode is an open invitation to join me in redefining the role of a leader to include the practice of joy, and how this shift can ripple out to benefit our teams, our projects, and even the bottom line. 

Episode Chapters:

00:02- Rediscovering Joy as a Leader

09:57- Cultivating Joy and Resilience in Business

22:12-  Embracing Joy Through Daily Practice

There's a transformative power in choosing joy every day, and I'm thrilled to share how this has reshaped my approach to leadership and life. So, if you're ready to infuse your leadership style with authentic joy and inspire those around you, let's embark on this journey together.

Before You go!

Are you in need of an Ops Power Session where I fix your broken things and give you relief immediately? Book your call here!

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Do you have broken systems and processes and need help STAT? Check out my 1:1 Project Intensive where I come in like Superman and leave you with the cape!

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