That Big CEO Energy

Are you Dating or Are You Married to Your Business?

Kallai Plummer Season 2 Episode 78

"Finding the right balance between being committed to your business and maintaining a healthy personal life is essential for long-term success and well-being." - Kallai Plummer

When I first launched my operations management firm, I was all in—working long hours, skipping social events, and constantly mulling over work. While I thought this level of dedication was the key to success, it soon became clear that it was taking a toll on my personal life and well-being. Tune into this episode of Big CEO Energy as we explore the balance between being passionately involved in your business and maintaining a healthy personal life. I'll share my journey of learning to "date" my business rather than being "married" to it, and how this shift led to greater success and happiness.

Join me as we discuss the dating versus marriage analogy, helping you recognize if your business commitment is leading to burnout or balance. We'll break down how to stay enthusiastic and passionate about your work without letting it overshadow other important areas of your life. With relatable examples and practical tips, this episode is a must-listen whether you're just starting out or have been running your business for years. Let’s find that sweet spot where you can achieve sustained success and happiness in both your business and personal life.


0:00 - 5:00: Introduction and Personal Story

5:01 - 15:00: Identifying Overcommitment and Under Commitment

15:01 - 25:00: Finding the Right Balance

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Need to learn how to lead with BIG CEO Energy but don’t know where to start? Let’s Connect Here

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Do you have broken systems and processes and need help STAT? Check out my 1:1 Project Intensive where I come in like Superman and leave you with the cape!

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